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Mobile GR

Mobile GR is a City of Grand Rapids department that works to provide safe, reliable, affordable, and diverse transportation options to support the City's economic and quality of life goals. Mobile GR operates city-owned parking systems and maintains many aspects of transportation and safety infrastructure within the City of Grand Rapids and Kent County.

Celery City Landscaping

Ben Franklin Transit

Detroit People Mover

Recent Projects


Mobile GR was seeking a video production company to provide them with a series of videos related to the wide range of services they provide the city of Grand Rapids. The brand has often been confused for a “cellular phone” company or service, and they knew they needed to provide the public with a lot more clarity on all the work they do in transportation and safety around downtown.


In partnership with DropDrop, a premiere video production company in Grand Rapids, CCM has provided strategic guidance on multiple videos. Our role has been to work with the client on concept, key messaging, and helping produce the content with the talented DropDrop team. The collaboration has been seamless, and our videos have been met with great satisfaction from Mobile GR staff and Grand Rapidians alike. Read more about one of our favorite projects, here.

Scope of Work


Video Services

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